April 2017 Blog Posts

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Design and Realty

Spring Break Meets Sustainable Design

When you go on spring break to warmer weather, you might not necessarily be thinking about saving the planet — much less about sustainable design!But there are environmentally friendly options when it comes to accommodations. With a little searching, you might be able to find a place to stay that meets your needs, is healthy, energy efficient (read)

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Activities and Things to Do

Shelling Tips: In and Around Cinnamon Shore

One of the best things about staying at Cinnamon Shore is easy access to the beach. Our wide boardwalks lead over the dunes to wide beaches, where the Gulf constantly deposits wonder in the form of seashells that delight beachcombers. Guides such as “Roy’s Field Guide to Shells of the Gulf Coast,” (check it out here!) and sites such as ILoveShelling.com (read)