January 2021 Blog Posts

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Design and Realty

Great Investment Potential at Cinnamon Shore

The first, New Urban neighborhood on the Texas Coast, established in 2007, has become the standard for coastal, luxury development in the Lone Star State. And 2020’s performance at Cinnamon Shore, located in Port Aransas, Texas, shows why. With a 54% increase in total vacation bookings and a 75% increase rental revenue in 2020 over 20219, it&rsquo (read)

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Design and Realty

Mark Schnell: Our Urban Designer Shares His Vision

Cinnamon Shore Benefits From An Expert At Master Planning The urban designer for Cinnamon Shore, Mark Schnell of Seagrove, Florida, recently reminisced about how Cinnamon Shore started and how it’s delivered flawlessly on the master plan he drafted back in 2006. From a blank canvas of empty shoreline in 2006 to an authentic, beachside neighborhood (read)

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Activities and Things to Do

Whooping Cranes Return

Schedule a Tour! Wings of Winter  Birding Guide Promises to Showcase the Beautiful Birds of Mustang Island: The annual festival is canceled this year due to the pandemic, but the whooping cranes don't know that! They are still returning to Mustang Island, and you can schedule a birding tour with some experts who can show you all the hot spots for (read)

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Sit Back & Relax

Our picks for embroidered, stitched, and hand-painted pillows offer instant coastal style and comfort. Use pillows with coastal themes to establish your vacation home’s locale or to change the look of a living room, bunk room or master suite. Select different shapes and sizes and choose among designs that range from sea-breeze delicate to nautical (read)

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Dogs Love The Beach

   Bring Your Dog To Cinnamon Shore Meet Briggs! He's an 8-year-old golden retriever who had a blast in the “sun and sand … and water!” according to owner Natalie T., who snapped the photo above during a stay at Cinnamon Shore. With great options for pet-friendly rentals and amenities such as our Dune Dogs Playground &mdash (read)

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Design and Realty

Official Colors of the Year!

Pantone's Choices Are All Over Cinnamon Shore -- In Design and In Nature!  As predictable as fireworks on New Year's Eve, the Pantone Color Institute reveals its Color of the Year with the dawning of a New Year. But for 2021, it selected two colors for the first time in 22 years -- a sun-yellow hue called Illuminating and a storm sky shade called (read)