July 2021 Blog Posts

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Choosing a Vacation Rental

Girls Trip! Bring Your Besties to Cinnamon Shore

Celebrate friendship, fun—and maybe some fishing!--at Cinnamon Shore. With great condos and beach houses galore, Cinnamon Shore makes the perfect place to get away from the guys for a little girl-bonding time. Whether you come for long walks and talks on the beach or an all-girls’ fishing trip, you’ll find Cinnamon Shore makes the (read)

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Design and Realty

The Colors of Cinnamon Shore

A palette for sea and shore helps define our community. What color would your coastal dream home be? At Cinnamon Shore, our master plan helps you decide–and it also ensures the community maintains its classic appeal and genuine sense of place. Cinnamon Shore’s town planner, Urban Designer Mark Schnell, called on his wife, nationally known (read)

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Top 5 Best Sellers in our Gift Shop!

Stop by the Gift Shop in the Cinnamon Shore Vacation Rentals office to pick up a memento. Choose your favorite T-shirt or sweatshirt. Popular tumblers come in various sizes, and the tall, 35-ounce version holds an entire bottle of wine. “That’s been a good selling point,” says Merchandise Manager Tricia Tinnin, laughing. In the future (read)

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Holidays and Special Events

4th of July Bike Parade-PHOTO GALLERY FUN

Can't Get More All-American Than Our Annual Bike Parade! Families gathered to decorate their cycles, and then after the circuit was made several times, they enjoyed sparklers and snow cones, music and more. Thanks to all who participated and made the day so fun! Dozens of kids and their families turned out for the annual tradition! Don't forget to pack (read)

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Get the Cinnamon Shore Playlist!

Chill With Hours of Summertime Tunes~ Our Summer Play Lists starts with Mark McKinney’s “Cinnamon Shore,” a perfect summertime anthem that reminds you of being under our coral-and-white-striped umbrella! It's on Spotify, so log in and search for Cinnamon Shore Summer. Then enjoy a mix of everything from country to reggae to EDM and (read)

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News and Media Mentions

Cinnamon Shore Helps Texas Monthly Writer Channel the Hamptons Dream Life

Diane Keaton has nothing on Texas Monthly Writer Wendy Aarons during her stay at Cinnamon Shore South. Wendy's July 1st article for the "Where to Stay Now" column chronicles her vacation with her husband, two teens, and parents at Cinnamon Shore South last spring. She starts by envisioning herself as a protagonist in a Nancy Meyers' film, such as Diane (read)