BlogMarch 2023Wildflower Season on the Coast

Wildflower Season on the Coast

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Lacing the Dunes

Wildflowers tangled among dune grasses help fortify the mounds of sand that guard Mustang Island.

Springtime at the shore is particularly beautiful, with breezy, warm days and colorful flowers popping up around downtown Port Aransas and along the dune line. Wildflower season lasts through May, and the wetter the winter, the more likely you'll see an exuberant display.

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Like a Sombrero

You'll see a variety of flowers, including the Mexican Hat Flower, which looks like a sombrero with its tall, conical center and a brim of curled petals at the base.

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Pretty Primroses

The beach evening primrose is the only yellow variety of primrose that grows along the coast, according to the Port Aransas South Jetty. In it's article, "Flower Power," it also mentions the pink Texas Evening primrose as a common variety you'll see around town.


Beloved Bluebonnets

Of course, the state flower--the Texas bluebonnet--always draws attention with its bobbing blue stalks that attract photo sessions from families who set their children into the patches that spring up along roadsides all over Texas. You'll see patches around downtown Port Aransas, and if you find any where you can see the Gulf or bay in the background, let us know!

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Vibrant Globe Mallows

The Globe Mallow adds a spicy apricot-orange to the batches of wildflowers you'll see on Mustang Island. With open red petals revealing a yellow center, and it thrives in the semi-arid conditions, growing in "wand-like clusters," according to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin.


Book for Spring

Check out your options for condos, townhomes, beach houses and cottages where you can enjoy the beauty of wildflower season along the coast! 


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