February 2018 Blog Posts

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Your Perfect Spring Break Reading List

Spring Break is fast-approaching, which means it’s just a matter of time before you’ll start packing to head somewhere warmer. Of course, a perfect packing list isn’t complete without a few must-reads -- after all, is there anything better than lounging by the ocean, sand between your toes, salty breeze through your hair, a warm sun, and a good book (read)

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Holidays and Special Events

Spring Break: Unplugged

iPads, iPhones, Macbooks, PS4s, Xboxes – doesn’t it seem like your kids are constantly staring at a screen? Their mid-semester break will be here in just a few weeks, and with a vacation from school comes a much-needed vacation from technology, too.  Cinnamon Shore’s Spring Break itinerary is packed with beach activities that’ll have your kids (read)

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Choosing a Vacation Rental

The Thrill Seeker's Spring Break

It’s mid-march and the holidays are long gone, but summer still seems so far away. The Texas heat is creeping in, giving you and your family visions of backyard BBQs, tan lines, and cannon ball competitions. You started the New Year off strong, and so far, you’ve kept up with every single one of your resolutions. (Okay, maybe just most of them.) The (read)

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Holidays and Special Events

Spring Break for Sanctuary Seekers

That glorious mid-March vacation is on the horizon. Doesn’t it seem like an eternity since you and your family had a break? While typical Spring Break beach destinations may conjure up visions of raucous parties, we have a secret for you: a beach vacation during Spring Break can actually be a wholesome family experience.  You work hard to keep (read)

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News and Media Mentions

Cinnamon Shore Renovates Brand and Website

As mentioned at the start of the year, we are really excited about what 2018 holds for Cinnamon Shore. Not only will we be expanding and welcoming more families into our community, but we have also done a complete renovation of the Cinnamon Shore brand. We started the design process last summer, almost a full 10 years after the first Cinnamon Shore (read)